FREE Training


The Rio System
Thrive Video Course

for Adults with ADHD


The Rio System
Thrive Video Course

for Adults with ADHD

Unlock Your Potential: From Chaos to Control
in in just
15 minutes a day

Join The Rio System - Thrive Video Course for Adults with ADHD

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the chaos around you, striving to regain control over your life?

Our comprehensive online course is meticulously crafted for adults grappling with ADHD, designed to guide you through a transformative journey from chaos to clarity, empowering you to take charge of your life.

Expanded and Updated

Join The Rio System - Thrive Video Course for Adults with ADHD

See what results our students are getting… 

"The Rio System Thrive course has been life-affirming and has given me the tools to establish and sustain core practices for a much more effective and hopeful lifestyle.   Dive in and you'll discover the depth of insight and meaningful applications that have had a significant influence in my life."      

- Brent B.

Hi!, we’re Luke and Jill

You may know us from our podcasts, youtube videos, or social media tips to help adults manage their lives with confidence. However, if you’re new here, we’ll give you a quick introduction.

We founded The Rio System - a comprehensive online course meticulously crafted for adults with ADHD. This course guides you through a transformative journey from chaos to clarity, empowering you to take charge of your life.

We understand the struggle

Luke has  ADHD and Jill has suffered from anxiety. Not only do we teach our method to give other adults peace, empowerment, and accomplishment–we use it ourselves to live our best lives.
We are now calmer–at peace with our situations–consistently achieving our goals and finishing projects, and putting our time and energy into relationships that we find most meaningful.

If you are like us, this has
not been an easy journey for you

You might even think that peace is not possible, and you’ll spend your life spinning your wheels.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You want to redesign your life to live your values
  • You’re tired of working all the time and seeing little or no results
  • You’re sick of feeling like you’re being pulled in 30 directions at once and want to live your own life
  • You feel like you’re drowning in tasks and commitments and need a lifeline
  • You’re willing to put in the work if it’s strategic and fits within your current life schedule

You’ve probably tried another course, app or solution before...
and it didn’t help

So what makes The Rio System any different?


Most content you come across is not holistic.
It might motivate you for a moment, but it won’t tell you what to do to achieve long-term success.
Or it might give you a good tip, but not how to make it a habit.

However in our course


We motivate you and give you hope that overcoming overwhelm and achieving your goals with peace and confidence is possible.


We show you step by step how to build a proven, maintainable system into your life to overcome overwhelm for good.


We know it’s not enough to tell you what to do. We also teach you how to: Keep going when you become frustrated, build habits the easy way, and stop procrastinating.

“But that’s the problem, I’m so busy working, commuting to work, and trying to be an attentive spouse and parent that I don’t have much free time in which to dedicate myself to a new course.”

We get it

When you know what to focus on and what you can strategically ignore, finishing your projects, simplifying your life, and putting your energy into what you truly value can be done in just 15 minutes a day.

That’s just 1.5 hours a week!

But you might be thinking:

“I don’t even know where to begin with cleaning up my mess!"

To-do lists, calendars, appointments, meetings, kids activities? It’s all so overwhelming. I want to crawl into a cave and disappear. Being relaxed, organized, and spending time on the things I enjoy?! Come on.”

We’ve been there too!

We’ve won Olympic Medals in disorganization and overwhelm.

A stress-free, organized life of accomplishment does seem out of reach when you’re looking at it from a place of chaos. But it’s easier to achieve than you imagine. In fact, there are only 5 steps to move from floundering to flourishing. And if Luke can learn them with his ADHD, anyone can learn them.

Introducing The Rio System Thrive Course

A holistic, proven system that takes you from floundering to flourishing. It will free up your time and energy, get rid of time-wasters, and focus you on what matters and gets results. 

The Rio System - Thrive Video Course will help you to

🟡 Overcome Overwhelm: Replace anxiety with peace and confidence.

🟡 Stop Procrastinating: Know what you’re doing (and what you’re not doing) every day and learn the easy-to-follow hacks to actually follow through.

🟡 Finish What You Start: Learn the tricks to control impulsivity and how to keep going when you want to quit.

🟡 Achieve Your Goals: Experience the joy and satisfaction of getting the results of all your hard work.

But what’s actually in the course?

PART 1: The MOTIVATE Inspirational Course

Cultivate a mindset for growth and success, learn how to best use this course, and identify your true reason for getting organized.

We’ll teach you:

  • How to find the perfect energy and life-giving activities for you and implement them in your life even with your very busy schedule
  • The secret to overcome and learn from past hardships to achieve future success
  • Simple strategies to master perfectionism and procrastination (and it’s not what you think!)

PART 2: BUILD Your Best Life Course

Create the ideal system to simplify your life, get over overwhelm, tame your 'to-do's', and achieve your goals with confidence.

We’ll teach you:

  • The easy way to never miss a birthday, anniversary, appointment, or meeting
  • Conquer anxiety by externalizing your thoughts into a system you can trust 

PART 3: *NEW* FLOURISH ADHD Troubleshooting Module

Learn to deepen habits and routines, overcome distractions and anxiety, and put your time and energy into those activities that will give you long-term health and well-being.

We’ll teach you:

  • A powerful psychological technique to virtually guarantee sticking with a positive habit
  • “Ambiguity = Anxiety”: Discover how this truth leads to peace
  • “The 30/3 Rule:” The secret sauce to staying out of chaos and in control in your personal and professional life
  • The top 3 techniques to eliminate distractions and focus on what will give you long term health and well-being

Updated & expanded

  • Step-by-step video tutorials for discovering what will bring you long-term peace and well-being, cleaning up your mess, and achieving your goals.
  • Simple but powerful tactics for breaking down overwhelming tasks & projects into manageable, easy steps.

We don't just offer strategies; we empower you to build resilience, enabling you to bounce back from setbacks and embrace challenges with confidence. Our modules are designed to equip you with tools and techniques that promote adaptability, aiding you in crafting effective coping mechanisms and maintaining a balanced, controlled life.
Through a blend of curated resources, interactive sessions, and practical exercises, you'll not only learn how to finish what you start but also cultivate the discipline and commitment essential for success.

What You'll Gain

Join our community and embark on this life-changing journey. Take the first step towards regaining control, and let us guide you to a life where chaos is replaced by confidence and control.

🚀 Strategies to manage time and tasks effectively

🧠 Techniques to harness focus and productivity

🌱 Tools for emotional regulation and stress management

🛠️ Coping mechanisms for overcoming daily challenges

🌈 The empowerment to live a more controlled, purpose-driven life

This course is for you if

  • You want to redesign your life to live your values
  • You’re tired of working all the time and seeing little or no results
  • You’re sick of feeling like you’re being pulled in 30 directions at once and want to live your own life
  • You feel like you’re drowning in tasks and commitments and need a lifeline
  • You’re willing to put in the work if it’s strategic and fits within your current life schedule

This course is not for you if

  • You’re expecting a magic pill to simplify your life.
  • We can’t promise that.
    You expect results without putting in the effort. You have to be committed to creating the ideal life you desire and willing to put in the time and follow the steps.


What people are saying

“I love the flexibility of The Rio System, how each person can adapt it to their unique lifestyle and goals. I’m a stay-at-home-mom, and The Rio System helped me to get my long, chaotic to-do list out of my head and into the system.”

- Rachel G.

What is it worth to you to

🟡 Lower your stress

🟡 Stop feeling paralyzed

🟡 Gain control of your life

🟡 Finish what you start?

This system is so powerful

  • We’re able to charge over $6,750 to teach it to clients one-on-oneTo teach this material in group coaching sessions for $3,000 a pop
  • Why? Because it can turn chaos into control and floundering into flourishing!

But since you took the time to come this far...

Get started now for just
one payment of $347

Click the button below to complete the checkout process.
After that, you’ll be taken directly to the course so you can start your journey!
You can start immediately and have lifetime access.

Join The Rio System - Thrive Video Course for Adults with ADHD

100% 60 day money back guarantee

That’s right: Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps, put in the work and if you didn’t love it in the first 60 days of your purchase, send us an email and we’ll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

What you’re getting with our courses

$1,000 Value

Motivate Inspirational Course

11 interactive video lessons and checklist guides giving you the hope and inspiration to change your life 

$2,750 Value

New* Flourish ADHD Troubleshooting Module

15 videos showing you how to stop procrastinating, keep going when you feel frustrated, finish what you start, deal with perfectionism and impulsivity 

$3,000 Value

The Rio System Build Your Best Life Course

35 practical, interactive, step-by-step video lessons to build the system to keep your life on the rails to efficient, stress-free achievement

Total estimated value $6,750 USD

Get started now for just $347

In the course, we’ll:

🟡 Help you write a complete Everything List, where everything is out of your head

🟡 Show you how to ID the areas of your life that will give you long-term peace and well-being where you’ll see long-term results

🟡 Walk with you step-by-step, you won’t have to figure this out for yourself; you just have to follow short, easy videos for 15 minutes a day for a month will transform your life.

There are 2 types of people

Some people dread waking up in the morning;

they are uncertain if they can fulfill their commitments, stay of top of projects, and actually enjoy their lives


Others take action

finish what they start, live their values, and spend their time and energy on
things that give them joy


So the real question is...

Why NOT you?

What have you got to lose but a few hours of your time learning our complete method?


Imagine if you were living a life where you were not constantly overwhelmed and anxious… 
Imagine you were focusing your time and energy on the things that are most important and meaningful to you and seeing results?

Join The Rio System - Thrive Video Course for Adults with ADHD

Thank you!

PS Don’t forget that when you join The Rio System Thrive Course you are joining risk-free. You have an entire 60 days to watch the course, implement the strategies in your own life, and take action on all that you learned and THEN decide if it’s right for you.

Once you’ve had a taste of a simplified life where you are completing your projects, feel on top of your commitments you’ll never want to go back! I know what it’s like to be scared to try something new - something that might fail.

However, for me, the alternative of feeling like I was constantly underperforming and not benefiting from all my work was a torture. And I don’t wish that experience on you. The beauty of The Rio System is that you can get our complete proven system, learned from a decade of experience, and skip all of the pain and mistakes that we made - and you can do it in 15 minutes a day! It couldn’t be easier or more convenient!

Do your future self a favor and be brave. Invest in yourself, get the training that is guaranteed and proven, and build a life that you love. Stop floundering and start flourishing! See you on the inside...